Spilled Milk Love

Home is where you can name the trees

Most mornings I make a cup of tea and walk around the farm with the dogs. Often, I pause to sit on the gnarled branches of this ancient live oak tree. Our farm is dotted with wise old oaks, but this one is my forever favorite. It’s where I come to sit and pray. Tucked under its canopy I can...

Universal Truths

This much I know is true: 1.      People are inherently good. 2.      People who seem bad aren’t really, they’re just broken. 3.      We can’t heal with hate, only love. 4.      We are called to heal each other. 5.      Love is always the answer. Related: 1.      It’s really hard to love...

Your Hot Damn Mess is Holy

You just see a hot damn mess, but love, your hot damn mess is holy. Those secrets you are keeping, that mess you have your arms so tightly wrapped around, the old worn cardboard box – duct taped together with the bottom falling out- you’re desperately trying to hold onto,...

To The Working Moms

Dear Working Moms, Yesterday, I felt like I really had life figured out. As I kissed my happy playing baby and headed out the door to meet a friend for coffee so we could discuss an exciting project we have been working on, grocery list in hand to shop on...

2017: The Year Of Attainable Goal Setting

Happy New Year, friends! In the spirit of resolutions, let’s talk about expectations and goal setting. One of my favorite things that I get to do professionally is facilitate groups as they set goals for the future. (The groups I’m working with are usually academic programs involved in public outreach.) We start...