Spilled Milk Love

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

Remember how in this post I talked about my obsession with lists during the end of my pregnancy? One such list was of topics you should discuss with your spouse before choosing to have kids. On that list was, “How will you talk to your kid about sex?” Ellie Jo is never...

If You Buy A Kid A Pony

Are you familiar with the charming children’s book, “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie?” When I was 10 years old, after two years of riding lessons and pony camp in the summer, my parents lives became an absurd equine themed version of this story. My parents were dog people,...

So You’re About To Have A Baby

Four months ago when I was the size of a manatee and nearing the end of my third trimester I spent an unreasonable amount of time looking up lists related to childbirth. My midwife had suggested we at least think about a birth plan even if we didn’t commit one...

Maternity Leave and Marriage

My maternity leave ended on Monday. I intended to write about how I felt or a commentary on maternity leave in the United States. I thought I would learn lessons this week about being a mother, or a professional, or the delicate balance between the two What I actually learned...

Broken Hearts

When you become a parent, you anticipate your baby having a broken heart someday. I envisioned nights on the couch with my teenage daughter after her first break up, teaching her the healing power of Ben & Jerry’s. I would tell her that I knew it hurt but promise it...

Never Say Never

Like most expecting parents, Derek and I had a lot of ideas about how we were going to raise our kid. We took the baby care classes and I obsessively read about the “best ways” to do everything. We had a plan as meticulously thought out as our maternity photos....

My Promise To You

Muscato In A Mason Jar was a close runner up for the title of this blog. It’s witty, oozes southern charm, and gives a nice nod to my fortunate decision to marry a man whose last name happens to be one of my favorite wines. For a blog about my...